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Dnes je : 08.09.2024 - 04:25:20
Forrest Forrest Forrest    Jarmila Kratochvílová Emil Zátopek    No Humans Is Limited Eliud Kipchoge

Postcard : Mother of Dragons


km od začátku : 0008


Red brick towers, manses and temples rise above the high walls of Pentos, one of the Free Cities on the Western Coast of Essos. This is a place of pleasure, trade, scheming and exile. The city has been and stands to remain a place where great destinies are changed forever. Here, the story of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen begins.


km od začátku : 0048

Dothraki Wedding

Heat is palpable. The sun shines over boiling pots of stew and whole roasting animals. The earth itself almost sizzles as blood and wine get spilled by hot-tempered guests. And in the middle of it all: Daenerys, frozen with fear. The only glimpses of joy are Jorah’s reassuring presence and Illyrio’s wedding gift: three dragon eggs.


km od začátku : 0175

Dothraki Sea

The khalasar begins its journey from Pentos to Vaes Dothrak through this featureless steppe. Dany settles into her new life. She begins to adapt to Dothraki customs and master their tongue. She feels love blossoming between her and Drogo as the fearsome warrior reveals his gentler side and Daenerys earns his respect. She becomes the Moon of his Life, Drogo becomes her Sun and Stars.


km od začátku : 0192

Temple of Dosh Khaleen

Few things are sacred to the Dothraki, but this does not mean that their culture is bereft of tradition. The keepers of these traditions are the Dosh Khaleen, the widows of khals. Outside of this building, a khal may do as he pleases, but inside, when the omens need reading, the Dosh Khaleen give the orders. And the omens are clear: Dany and Drogo’s son shall be the Stallion Who Mounts the World.


km od začátku : 0208

A Life for a Life

“Death is irreversible” is a dictum only for those who are not willing to wield magic and bend the laws of nature. For those versed in the dark matters, death can pay for life. Daenerys sacrifices the life of her unborn child for that of her husband. But not all lives are worth living. As she steps into Khal Drogo’s pyre, his burning flesh feeds new life.


km od začátku : 0222

The Red Waste

Nothing. Nothing but sand, stone, death and heat as far as the eye can see and the legs can bear. Daenerys travels the desolate Red Waste. Thoughts more ravaging than the dry desert thirst sweep her mind. Has she brought her people and her dragons to their deaths? Their salvation comes from the East: one of The Thirteen is willing to grant her entrance into Qarth.


km od začátku : 0256


Lavish, sophisticated and rich, Qarth sits on the sea like a jewel in a terrible crown. Its cool fountains, shaded gardens and glittering streets look like a mirage through its tall, heavy doors. Here, Daenerys has to outwit The Thirteen in order to keep her dragons and get the ships she needs.


km od začátku : 0267


In Slaver’s Bay Daenerys gains the allegiance of Ser Barristan Selmy, the command of all the Unsullied in Astapor and the friendship of Missandei. She gives the Unsullied their freedom and a choice: go into the world, and forge their own destinies or march with her. She discards Kraznys’ whip and as they march, the Unsullied trample it into the dust, their boots stamping on the face of the hated harpy.


km od začátku : 0296


Another important city in Slaver’s Bay is Yunkai. Here, the old Ghiscari harpy looks over yellow walls and hordes of slaves. The Wise Masters rule this city and their cunning and deep pockets have ensured the old customs remain unchanged: they rule and grow rich while the slaves continue to live miserable lives.


km od začátku : 0301


Miracles don’t happen in Slaver’s Bay. This place is rife with toil, suffering and famine unless one is fortunate enough to be born high above the misery. Miracles don’t happen, they are made. Daenerys offers the slaves of Yunkai something they have never dared dream of before: a choice.


km od začátku : 0312


Nowhere in Slaver’s Bay do the Harpy’s wings span broader than here. Thousands of slaves are born, traded, used and discarded in the shadow of the terrible Great Pyramid. Daenerys is undaunted by the task and has her eyes set on the freedom of those who suffer. She starts planning the conquest of the city and its people’s hearts.


km od začátku : 0317

Governing Meereen

Conquering, freeing, fighting and sacrificing are no strange matters for Daenerys. But staying in one place, dispatching orders, keeping peace and ruling are not something she has known so far. Yet it is something that awaits her, should she cross the Narrow Sea.


km od začátku : 0322

Arrival of the Westerosi

Tales and whispers of Daenerys' deeds in Slaver's Bay reach Westeros before she does. Ignored by many, they do reach some who are willing to cross the Narrow Sea and see for themselves if this Targaryen could be the ruler to pluck the Seven Kingdoms from chaos. Among them are Tyrion and Varys.


km od začátku : 0332

The Great Games of Meereen

Entertainment in Meereen is much like everything used to be in the city: bloody and at the expense of the slaves. Hoping to build some consensus between former masters and slaves, Daenerys allows the games to resume. She insists on one change: only free men can participate. The Sons of the Harpy are not pacified, however, and Daznak’s Pit becomes a trap for Daenerys and her court.


km od začátku : 0336

Prisoner of the Khalasar

The last time Daenerys passed under the rearing stallions of Vaes Dothrak, she was a khaleesi. Much has changed since then and although she is now a queen, she is seen and treated as a slave. She has not forgotten the Dothraki ways and knows these people can be her people once again if she proves herself worthy.


km od začátku : 0346

Siege of the Wise Masters

With Daenerys gone and the city in disarray, the Wise Masters seize the moment and lay siege to Meereen. They will take back the city and regain control over Slaver’s Bay, they will put chains back on the free people and themselves back up in the Great Pyramid. That is if they can break the resolve of Daenerys and the scales of her mount, Drogon.


km od začátku : 0351

A Fleet for a Queen

Daenerys has everything she needs to claim the Iron Throne: the birthright, the army, the dragons and the advice of people who adore her and understand Westeros. The only thing she lacks is a way of getting her forces across the sea. All this changes when a deal with Yara is arranged and the ironborn fleet becomes hers. The Targaryen banner and dragons are crossing the Narrow Sea once again.


km od začátku : 0364


As her boat makes landfall on the beach, Daenerys wraps her furs about her and steps on Westerosi soil for the first time since she was a baby. She bends down and grabs a handful of sand, her sand. Daenerys has arrived at Dragonstone. A formidable force has gathered on this small island, a force the likes of which the world has never seen before. She is ready. “Shall we begin?”