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Dnes je : 08.09.2024 - 04:39:15
Forrest Forrest Forrest    Jarmila Kratochvílová Emil Zátopek    No Humans Is Limited Eliud Kipchoge

Postcard : The Hand


km od začátku : 0008

Tower of the Hand

Tyrion Lannister is disgraced and out of options. He has been convicted of the murder of King Joffrey. He has been betrayed by the woman he loves. His champion, Oberyn Martell, has been brutally killed. In the Tower of the Hand, he shoots his father and kills the love of his life. Aided by Varys, he is now on his way to Essos.


km od začátku : 0027

Illyrio’s Mansion

Tyrion emerges from his squalid box in Illyrio’s garden. Varys gives him a choice: drink himself to death in Pentos, or travel with him. They will meet someone gentler than Stannis, but more powerful than Tommen. Someone who inspires the fear of the lords and the adoration of the people. A ruler loved by millions, with a powerful army and the right name - the Mother of Dragons, Daenerys Targaryen.


km od začátku : 0053


Cloth, spices, wine, slaves, fortunes, death. All these and much more can be found on the meandering and elegant streets of Volantis. Tyrion might not find anything he wishes for here, but someone finds him. The double disgraced Jorah captures and binds Tyrion. He will make a mighty gift for his khaleesi.


km od začátku : 0076

Old Valyria

Tyrion travels bound by Jorah and is kept away from the only thing that makes his life bearable: wine. His captor’s wish to avoid pirates pushes them further into smoke, closer to the ruins of Old Valyria, governed by ghosts and Stone Men. These monsters attack their little boat and, after a miraculous escape, they are washed ashore.


km od začátku : 0093

The Lands of the Long Summer

The name of these lands is most deceiving. Scorched by the Doom of Valyria, they are now barren and dangerous. The only thing that they can still offer is fresh water for pirates bold enough to approach. Such pirates capture Tyrion and Jorah and sell them to slavers - Jorah for his strength and Tyrion as entertainment.


km od začátku : 0105

The Fighting Pits

Imp, regicide, patricide, Hand, murderer, prisoner. Tyrion has been called many things throughout his life. Now, standing in front of Daenerys, he is yet another thing: a gift. After he escapes from the pit, Tyrion is taken to the Great Pyramid.


km od začátku : 0121

Adviser to the Queen

In the Great Pyramid, “two terrible children of two terrible fathers'' converse. By all rights, Daenerys should have Tyrion killed. But she knows that he can provide more than a means of revenge. He has knowledge of Westeros and its Houses, and advice on how to win them over. As her advisor, he is by her side when the Sons of the Harpy ambush Daenerys and her court at the Great Games.


km od začátku : 0129

Slaver's Bay

“We make peace with our enemies, not our friends”. This saying and the chaos on the streets push Tyrion to seek an agreement with the Masters in Daenerys’ absence. It is a dangerous gamble, for he does not trust the Masters and risks turning friends into enemies. A fragile peace settles over Meereen. No more bodies show up on the streets and trade has returned to the markets.


km od začátku : 0140

The Hand of the Qeen

Beside Daenerys, Tyrion will travel to the home they both left behind. As she leads her army against the Usurper and breaks the wheel of violence and oppression, Tyrion will be behind her all the way. And when she is done, when a new dawn will come to Westeros, the Dragon banner will be hung once again on the walls of the Red Keep and Tyrion will serve the realm as Hand of the Queen.