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Dnes je : 08.09.2024 - 04:20:07
Forrest Forrest Forrest    Jarmila Kratochvílová Emil Zátopek    No Humans Is Limited Eliud Kipchoge

Postcard : The Iron Throne


km od začátku : 0008

The Night’s Watch

The Night’s Watch is one of the Seven Kingdom’s most ancient institutions. Its purpose is to man The Wall, the great barrier separating the Seven Kingdoms from the frozen wastelands of the North. No matter their age, status, skill or crime, every man is put to good use here. After the vows are spoken, each man in the Night’s Watch loses his family but gains a whole band of brothers.


km od začátku : 0016

House Stark

House Stark is the paramount House in the North. Ruling from their seat in Winterfell, their House words are: “Winter is Coming”. The Starks are unlike the pampered lords of the South; they know that sooner or later, the earth will frost over, darkness will close in and the Long Night will begin.


km od začátku : 0024

Battle of the Bastards

After the murder of Robb Stark at the Red Wedding, the North passed to House Bolton. Following the mysterious death of Lord Roose Bolton, those lands passed to his newly-named heir, Ramsay. His reign of terror ended when the Knights of the Vale reinforced Jon’s wildling army and Ramsay was fed to his own dogs by Lady Sansa Stark.


km od začátku : 0031

House Mormont

House Mormont are the stalwart lords of Bear Island. They rule over their remote and enchanting domain of waterfalls and deep forests with a firm but fair hand. These days, the House is scattered; the former Lord Jeor heads the Night’s Watch, and his son Jorah is disgraced in exile. Ruling the island has fallen to Lady Lyanna who has proven a capable leader, despite her young age.


km od začátku : 0034

House Frey

The cold, miserly House Frey is one of the richest families in the Seven Kingdoms. The founder of their house capitalised on a narrow crossing of the Trident that links the Riverlands with the North and built a keep in order to collect tolls. Winter came for this House when Arya Stark avenged the massacre of her family at the Red Wedding.


km od začátku : 0056

War of the Five Kings

During his tenure as Hand of the King, Eddard Stark uncovered a conspiracy: Joffrey was not King Robert’s son. Soon, chaos gripped the Seven Kingdoms as the Throne was occupied by a bastard. Robert’s brothers, Stannis and Renly, staked their claim while two other kings rose from the north and west: Robb Stark and Balon Greyjoy.


km od začátku : 0057

House Tully

The Tullys are Lords paramount of the Trident, ruling over the Riverlands. To survive, the family have become master diplomats, maintaining a complex web of inter-marriages and cordial relations. This means that when the inevitable happens and the Great Lords march their armies across the Riverlands, the Tullys and their holdings will remain intact.


km od začátku : 0061

House Greyjoy

House Greyjoy rules over the Iron Islands, a harsh and bleak collection of islands off the west coast of Westeros. From these islands hail the strong and fierce Ironborn. Their motto 'We Do Not Sow' signifies they do not plow the fields or toil in the mines. They will take what is theirs.


km od začátku : 0066

House Lannister

The Lannisters are the richest House in the realm and perhaps the most powerful. Their seat is at Casterly Rock, but the Iron Throne and King's Landing hold more appeal for them. Their words are 'Hear Me Roar,' but they are most known for the saying “A Lannister always pays his debts”.


km od začátku : 0072

House Tyrell

House Tyrell inhabits the bucolic region of the Reach. This lovely land is the breadbasket of the Seven Kingdoms, producing the bulk of the golden grain that feeds the Kingdom. These southern roses seem to thrive even in King’s Landing, as Margaery and Olenna wrap their vines around the court.


km od začátku : 0082

House Baratheon

“Ours is the Fury”. Few houses have such fitting words. The Baratheons that inhabit the Stormlands are risk-takers and warriors. After Robert’s death, the furious black manes of Storm’s End are nowhere to be seen in King’s Landing. Yet it would be unwise to discount their fury, for on the isle of Dragonstone, the grim, implacable younger brother of King Robert is preparing to take the Iron Throne.


km od začátku : 0093

House Martell

The Martells rule over Dorne, a region different to their northern neighbours. Here, ideas surrounding the place of man and woman, trueborn and bastard are as fluid as the cooling waters of Sunspear’s fountains. Their words “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken'' reflect their true, unwavering and unconquered spirit.


km od začátku : 0105

The Smallfolk

The smallfolk are the great majority that toil in the fields and fill the armies of the lords of Westeros. Looked down on by the highborn, these people have few rights and fewer prospects. The tides of history throw the common people this way and that. For now, they are the oppressed creature and the specter that haunts every victory the lords of Westeros win.


km od začátku : 0124

House Targaryen

“Fire and blood.” This is what made the Targaryens flee Old Valyria and in turn, this is what they brought to Westeros. For centuries, they ruled the Seven Kingdoms. With their dragons gone, they now find a place in history books, rather than royal halls. Though diminished, their line is not broken, for a young queen is preparing to take dragons across the Narrow Sea once again.