Run Forrest Run
Řekl jsem si, že když už jsem tak daleko, otočím se a poběžím dál.   

Dnes je : 08.09.2024 - 04:31:56
Forrest Forrest Forrest    Jarmila Kratochvílová Emil Zátopek    No Humans Is Limited Eliud Kipchoge

Postcard : Valar Morghulis


km od začátku : 0008


The Saltpans are neither an important trading point nor a beauty to behold. For Arya Stark, however, it is the place where her life will change forever. She intends to go north to Jon. But, after she shows the iron coin and speaks “Valar Morghulis” to a captain from beyond the Narrow Sea, she is given a cabin onboard. They are heading to Braavos.


km od začátku : 0026

House of Black and White

There are few stranger places across Westeros and Essos than the House of Black and White. Although not much is known, one thing is certain: if one comes here looking for death, one is sure to find it. After endless waiting, Arya is allowed inside. Now, she will need to learn how to lie and deceive in order to become No One and serve the Many-Faced God.


km od začátku : 0048

Market of Braavos

In learning how to become a Faceless Man, Arya comes face to face with the one they call the Waif. Slowly, she learns how to parry her attacks even in darkness. When Arya disobeys Jaqen’s orders, the Waif is sent to kill her. Arya passes this last test and becomes No One. Yet, she has other plans: she is Arya Stark of Winterfell, and she is going home.


km od začátku : 0064

Crossroads Inn

After striking Walder Frey off her list, Arya rests at the Crossroads Inn. She is on her way to her next victim: Cersei Lannister. But a chance meeting changes her plans. Over a delicious meal, Hot Pie tells her that Winterfell is in Stark hands again. Arya can finally go home.


km od začátku : 0089

Fortified Winterfell

Arya is happy to be home, yet Winterfell is unrecognisable. Jon leads the wildling tribes of the true North, Sansa is a confident Lady, the master of a castle. One day, a silver-haired queen from across the Narrow Sea arrives, behind her are legions of Unsullied and a horde of Dothraki. Alongside the Three-Eyed Raven, they have gathered here to stop the Night King and the spread of Darkness.


km od začátku : 0108

Godswood of Winterfell

The attack begins. Arya makes her way towards the Weirwood tree to save Bran from the white walkers. She jumps at The Night King with a dragonglass blade but is caught mid-air. She drops her dagger and catches it in her other hand and, as she plunges it into his chest, he shatters into shards. His army collapses into nothing. The Long Night has passed and on the air is a hint, a dream, of Spring.